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April Fools Top 10 Pranks from

Number 1 - Improvise

Enhance already great jokes with a little household help. Fake Vomit looks more realistic if water is splashed down first. Similarly Fake Dog Poos need a drop of gravy.

Number 2 - Distraction

A sophisticated way to make old pranks work wonders.
Trick your victim with a favourite like the Hand Buzzer and while they sit down, relax and groan hit them with the Whooppee Cushion.
It doesn't matter if they see the hand buzzer because the laugh you are really aiming for is hidden by your subterfuge. 

Number 3 - Planning

Take a little time to deploy your pranks carefully. The victim must not suspect a thing. So prime your Toilet Seat Squirt carefully and arrange the Fart Machine where it cannot be spotted, days in advance if necessary. We even have fake No Tear Toilet Paper.

Number 4 - Choosing the right prank

Pick your victim and then choose which joke is going to best catch out that person.
Mad about his car? Use the Fake Car Scratch or Exhaust Whistle.
House proud? Try the Fake Cigarette burn
Greedy? Pick and mix from the Evil Sweets range or lay out a plate of Fake Biscits.

Number 5 - Insurance

No, not life insurance, though you might want to take some out before playing pranks on someone bigger than you.

No we mean Prank Insurance. To make sure you make a fool of your victim place as many tricks in their way as possible. Don't leave it up to one Squirt Lighter to catch them out. Leave a trail of tricks which no one can avoid. Follow the Squirt Lighter with the Snakes in a Tin, Hot Sweets and Dirty Face Soap.
There is no escape!

Number 6 - Don't rush it

Slowly slowly catchee monkey.

You know you've placed the most whimsical jape of the season but your victim doesn't. You will blow all the comedy value if you force them to take your Snappy Gum before they have finished their dinner.

Number 7 - Devastating Combination

Use two jokes together to heighten the effect. Keep Stink Bombs ready to use in conjunction with Fart Powder or the Remote Controlled Fart Machine.

Number 8 - Ever Ready

If you have a couple of pranks in your pockets at all times you will be ready to laugh whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Our range of Evil Sweets are great as it's so simple to hand them round - catch lots of people at once!
Stink Bombs are always handy and you should never be without the Fake Winning Scratch Cards which is a really evil little prank making people think they have won £10,000!

Number 9 - Use a stooge

Use a partner in crime to help play the trick.

It is then possible to use techniques already mentioned like Distraction and Combination to even more devastating effect. Your friend uses the Squirt Lighter while you set up the Cigarette Stinkers. The angry victim goes to fetch a dry cigarette and real lighter, then STINK! - you got him again!

Number 10 - It's all in the delivery

If you can keep a straight face while all about you are losing theirs then you have the secret to pulling off practical jokes.

Sometimes people will fall for even the most obvious pranks. If you can deliver it with the right degree of insouciance you can make even the Squirt Ketchup work. And it's all the sweeter when they realise they should have seen it coming. Your skill and practical joke knowledge will lead you to become known as a Master of the Art.

Also checkout a free sample of our very own version of The Long Weight or Tartan Paint and send the link onto your friends.